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AidforAll back in Warsaw this Easter weekend


Chris Thomas, co-founder of AidforAll is back in Warsaw this weekend visiting the refugee centres and free shops we had supported on previous trips and to assess the latest needs. The office block turned refugee residence was still in need of considerable works so a trip to a DIY store was the first stop, followed by some big shopping trips for food and bedding. The need is still great, probably even greater than before because sadly the level of local donations is (quite understandably) rapidly declining. The Polish people have been incredible.

There were queues outside the free shops and they were happy to see the AidforAll van rock up full of food, but again said that what we delivered would be gone in 48 hours. At the same time we received from another contact a long list of items for a hospital in Kyiv - medication, wound dressings and surgical items, including supplies for rape victims. The bill ran up quickly and we haven’t bought the medication yet. We’ll get there!



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